Perfect conditions
Waiting for the right time, perfect day... That's alright, it's just that sometimes, waiting for that time to come isn't a good idea. Some things should be done according to it's availability. We have to do things right and doing it the right way doesn't necessarily means that we have to wait until the right time comes. It's always better to try and try til we finally made it perfectly. There's no harm in trying. And as they say.... Practice makes perfect!
Perfect conditions
Good morning
A message, may it be in a form of a letter, note, or a text that comes to your love ones or someone that is dear to you could mean a lot. They might not say it to you but their silence means something. Some of us are ashamed to show our love for others, some don't know how, and some find it hard to express what's inside their heart. Don't be afraid to show or say whats inside of you, cause that means a lot to the ones you love.
Good morning
Two reasons
As it was stated, there are two reasons why we change or why we wanted to change. One is that for all that we've experience in the past, we wanted some changes in our lives to become better. And the other one is because of all the hurt, pain and struggles that we barely know our true selves. For all this, we change because we wanted to change for the better, for ourselves and not for other people. It is pleasant to change for yourself but don't instill anger in your heart.
Two reasons
Stay single
Men and women stay single cause sometimes they're tired of just giving all their love and everything but instead of feeling the same way from their partners, they never felt something. They say that if you love someone, don't wait for something in return, but if your in a relationship you both should give an effort for your relationship to succeed. So instead of giving and staying inside a relationship it's better for them to just be alone and be with their friends who will love them unconditionally.
Stay single
In life, we will encounter different types of people, others are good enough to be one of your friends while others are somehow don't have something good to say. Don't let anyone pulls you down. Remember that in everything we do we give our 100% so don't ever think or listen to what other people might say. Don't take it personally or seriously cause if you take it that way you'll be the one to suffer. Take it as a comment or a lesson for you to learn and not as a bad thing. People are people so let it be.
Someone who is willing to hold on
To love someone comes with a great responsibility and hard wok. You need to gain trust, respect for each other and love. Love is not what you can give and what the other one should give in return. It's not also giving up on what you have for you to be able to prove your love. It's how you handle things, problems, and how willing you are to give your best shot in holding on to your relationship. Don't look for someone who will let go of everything he/she has, but instead, find someone who is willing to just hold on no matter what happens.
Love always finds a way
As the line of a song says; Love always finds a way. People find their ways to show and prove their love to their love ones. Whenever there comes a time that problems occur and they wanted to just leave and go on their separate ways, their love for each other would be the ones binding them together. It's on them to choose whatever path they wanted to go, if they'll stay or go. But definitely, people who wanted to stay would always finds their way.
Just wanna share this stanza from one of the songs i like: "Way back into love"
All I wanna do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way
back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Just wanna share this stanza from one of the songs i like: "Way back into love"
All I wanna do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way
back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Love always finds a way
Person on planet has a story
It is sometimes faster for other's to judge people even though they don't personally know them. Even if we really know a person, or we have known them for years, we have no right to judge or discredit their lives as if we don't have our own mistakes. We don't judge a person according to what we see, what we know about them cause sometimes, what we know isn't all that they've got.
A pack of candies
Some people look for friends that's wealthy or has a say in the society. Some are treating their friends like a garbage when they have nothing to give or they can't benefit on them. Some became instantly your best friend even though in the past you hardly see each other nor talk, but because you became lucky and gain something, there they are. Some are opportunistic, that once you had given them favors they'll hold on you tight not because they needed you as their friends but because they need something from you. We can't choose people and we can't blame them that is why we have to know who really are our friends.
A pack of candies
Some people fails to notice what a certain person can offer or can do to them. Let's just take someone you love for example, they sometimes takes you for granted, not because your not good enough, it's because they know that no matter what they do you are always there for them. So there competent enough that they won't loose you. They barely notice your existence and importance because your always there. Let them know for themselves how much your worth is. That you are worth it and not just an ordinary person that should be rejected.
Always trust within yourself and do your best in everything that you do. Whenever were in trouble, don't think that were alone in this battle. God wants us to know our strength and weakness so we will be able to survive every problems, trials, and everything that we maybe able to encounter in our lives. Trust in god for he would always be there for us in every trial and success.
It's kinda crazy
Sometimes even though it's hard for us to just forget the past and leave the bad memories behind, we can never do it at all most especially when the person involve has a special part in our hearts. We can say that its kinda weird or something, that whatever we do they're still stuck on our minds. And no matter where we go there are things or places that could remind them on us. We don't have to force ourselves to just leave it all in the past cause remember that all things happens for a reason and we had experienced all that because it is destined. Let's just think of it as a part of our life that we had learn, experience, and gain something to someone who had a given us enough memories that we can treasure.
It's kinda crazy
Just believe
I still believe that dreams do come true. Even though my dreams aren't fulfilled yet, i had faith that all that we wish for will come true, in time and if it is really meant for us. Sometimes we want to just give up all our dreams, but how can our dreams could come true if we don't fight for it. Right? We should and always have to believe in ourselves, in our capacity to achieve our goal and help ourselves to make it into reality. Don't stop believing. Who know's..
Just believe
Be careful who you open up to
Some people who had nothing else to do with their life sometimes can't think straight. They ask their friends about what's been happening with their lives and act as if their just concern. They give them advice and some encouragement for them to feel that they are with them. But then, some people you consider your friends are not really your real friends. They would tell your other friends about what you had said and some might have add some more flavors or make up stories. I'm not saying that you shouldn't told anyone about your problems or something like that, it's just that you have to choose your friends. You have to know if they're sincere, honest and reliable, for you have to know if they're just there to spread news or gossips about you. We all have and need friends that we can trust, the one we can share and would understand us most especially when it comes to our secrets.
Who are you?
Sometimes we tend to see the deficiencies of other people. On what they do, could it be right or wrong on your part. The way they act in front of their friends or partners. Even the way they dress. Why can't other people mind their own business? Why can't they see their own deficiencies and problems? Most people likes to interfere on other people instead of looking for solutions to their own problems. Others have a lot to say for they're not on the place of the person their talking about. I'm not saying that we should not bother asking them most especially when they are our friends, but we are all not perfect and we do some things that for other people is not acceptable so don't bother criticizing them cause we all have our own problems to attend to. And even if we don't have our own problems, it would never be right to judge other people.
Who are you?
Life is like a coin
As they say, we can live our lives according to what we want or how we wanted it to be. Others say live your life to the fullest or live your life differently each day. Some would say live your life according to what is planned. We can always choose on how we should live and how we want to live our lives. We always have a choice, may it be right or wrong, right way or turned, good or bad.
We can live it anyway we want but, always remember that we only have one life to live so be sure to spend it wisely.
We can live it anyway we want but, always remember that we only have one life to live so be sure to spend it wisely.
Life is like a coin
We live life not just to become rich or famous. We live life to enjoy every days gift, to gain experience, to live by the moments. Treasure your friends, love ones and be grateful with the moments you shared with them. Don't count your ways and achievements, instead count the times that you had given yourself a chance to be with the ones you love. Live by the moments and enjoy every single details.
After all this time
Everyday we wake up each day and do a lot of things. May it be your everyday routine, like your household chores or on your work. We have the whole day to do whatever we have to do or portray and be part of a troubled world. But in the end of each day, we are still the same person that goes out our bed, who sleeps on our favorite position and dressed up with our favorite pajamas. With all that you do and after all that you do, It's still you.
After all this time
Distance and relationship
Some people think that distance could be a factor for a relationship to last. Yes it is! But it shouldn't be the only factor to consider for a relationship to last. Relationships, no matter how long the distance maybe would last if they really love each other. Communication, trust and love must be the factors you both should consider so that a long distance relationship could work. Anyways, if you really love a person, there's no distance, no but's, no what if's. Nothing could go wrong if you both believe.
Distance and relationship
Self expectation
Self expectations, possibilities, feelings. We sometimes feel that were so dumb for feeling certain feelings we shouldn't feel. For expecting
and wanting something. Always think that in life there are no guarantees so don't hate yourself for feeling something that you shouldn't feel. As they always say, smile though your heart is aching and keep smiling for they won't know whats on your mind. Live and love.
Self expectation
Hurting the one you love
Sometimes people doesn't understand why we do things, why we have to do such things. Like for example, hurting someones feelings. Not to the extent or not as morbid as you think that could hurt the person physically. There are times that when you love a person, you're not thinking of yourself anymore, even though sometimes it's started to hurt you. You just think of him/her not knowing that he/she doesn't gives back the effort for your relationship and as time goes by you would be the one to be left out. It's not that bad to give and not to take in return but there's always a limitation to that. Your not helping him/her and he/she won't feel what you feel, cause you see, in a relationship it should always be a give and take relationship. Besides, if that person really loves you like you do he/she would feel what you feels.
Hurting the one you love
There's no turning back
We can always start a new beginning so that we could make a new ending. We can't turn back time to see where did we go wrong or when did you start to go through the wrong way. It's like every day, it gives us a new day, a fresh start. Every time we commit mistakes there's no turning back, all we have to do is to get through it and wait for the proper timing for us to start a new. As we try to start and make things better for us, don't be afraid to fall. Don't loose hope. In every ending there's always a new beginning.
There's no turning back
We are only given today
There would come a time that you won't be able to say those words to the person that you love or those who are dear and close to you. Don't waste your time waiting for the right time and the right moment. Say it while you still have the time to say whatever it is that you need to say. Tell them how you feel, it doesn't matter if they feel the same way too. What matter is that you'd be able to express your feelings on them. Don't be afraid of rejection's or because your scared of what they'd be able to say or how they would react to the things you said. At least you had the guts and for whatever the result maybe, you had said it while you still can.
We are only given today
Life decisions
Never base you life decisions
on advice from people
who don't have to deal
with the results...
Decision making should always comes to us or the person involve. Yes, we can seek for some advice most especially from our friends but not to the extent that we have to follow it. Advice can help us and we can get some key points on how to handle some things. We can also take it as an example, or take it as the results of their experiences. We always have the last say. Always keep in mind that we should be the one to make decisions for ourselves and no other person could just tell us what to do.
on advice from people
who don't have to deal
with the results...
Decision making should always comes to us or the person involve. Yes, we can seek for some advice most especially from our friends but not to the extent that we have to follow it. Advice can help us and we can get some key points on how to handle some things. We can also take it as an example, or take it as the results of their experiences. We always have the last say. Always keep in mind that we should be the one to make decisions for ourselves and no other person could just tell us what to do.
Life decisions
Do not ignore someone
Sometimes we feel that we don't belong to any of the group, or one of your friends group. There are times that we always think that we are not one of them and felt left out. That's life! We can't do anything about it, except to accept their treatment and don't feel bad about it. There would come a time that they will be able to see us and acknowledge our presence. Let's just think of the positive side of being left out. Like, we would be able to be used of being alone, doing somethings that we weren't have done before cause we are busy thinking of the ways for us to be recognize by our friends, going to places that we want to go to, but our friends doesn't wants to go with us and many more. Don't feel bad, who knows maybe they're not really your friends. Cause real friends don't treat their friends like that... Hmmm...
Do not ignore someone
God will bring you through it
God knows what's best for each one of us. He won't give us something that he know's we won't be able to get through it. In times of trouble and hard times, we always think that god doesn't care about us or don't mind what will happened to us. Sometimes god only wants to test us, to give us a lesson. He gives us something to think of and for our faith to get stronger as we surpass the test. He knows when he would come for us and to help us. God is good. Believe and have faith.
Its not easy, but its worth it
Nothing in this world is easy. Who said it was easy? We always have to strive hard for what we wish for. In order to achieve what we want, we should be ready to accept the challenges accompanied to it. There's no easy way, no shortcuts and no clues. You should be the one to help yourself and the only one who could help you achieve your goal. Think of the possible outcome as a prize. As you struggle to achieve your goal you'll be able to gain something on your way up, so learn, try and never give up. For this you can say that for all that i went through, it's worth it!
but its worth it,
Its not easy
Every day, Everyday
We have to face it. Each day is not as good as yesterday or the other days that we had, nor tomorrow. Everyday, we wake up with lots of expectations for the day. We want that day to be as good as possible, but who knows what's gonna happen within the day. Right? Everyday may not be as good as we expected it to be but the good thing is that we are given another day to live and every "day" is a beautiful blessing that we should be thankful for. Remember, each day may it be a good or a not so good one, we should always keep it in mind that there's always a new day that's waiting for us. Who know's the next day is the day that you've been waiting for.
Don't try to be different
Being different doesn't necessarily means that your good, cool or you will be able to stand out. You should always be yourself, trust in whatever you are able to do and let the rest follow. Being good is one of the nicest attitude one has to offer. Don't try to be different or be a copy cat of another person. Be true and be yourself. Be proud!
Mistakes and trying
Don't be afraid to commit or make mistakes for we are only humans and we're not perfect. We sometimes avoid making mistakes but as we do something we tend to create more mistakes. Life is full of obstacles, misadventures, it's not the way we always wants it to be. Accept it, but by always trying to be on our best we will become better persons and as we try, we learned from it and develop ourselves.
Mistakes and trying
Just because...
All of us do pray, and as we pray we always think of a lot of things. What should we pray or what should we ask for. Mostly we ask for good health, work and family related matters but there are times that we ask god for something that we want to have or achieve and when the time comes that we expected our prayer will be granted we tend to ask god why we didn't make it. We all know that god listens to each and every one of our prayers and not all of those prayers will be granted. It maybe granted and will be given to you as time goes by or when you least expected it, till the right time comes. Not all our prayers will be granted for god knows whats right for all of us. It may be sad for us but don't put your blame on him cause he only gives us what he know's could be better.
Just because
Feel like giving up
There are times that what we wanted is to just forget everything that happened and give up. Giving up on something that we wanted for all time was not the only solution. We should always kept in mind what we want and pursue it no matter how hard and for how long would it take for us to fulfill it. Remember the reason why we wanted it, for it will keeps and boost us to hold on tight. Make that reason be your strength and always think that, that is want you wanted.
Feel like giving up
Miles of friendship
May it be an endless miles, a countless years or even prosy silence friendship doesn't fade. Others may have their own life to live, have migrated or have change location, some may choose to keep their silence but friendship will always be there and no matter what each of us has our own choice. To be with them and build a lot of wonderful memories and experiences or to be with them in spirit, wish them all the best and be happy for them. Friends may leave you but the friendship will remain forever.
Miles of friendship
Like a butterfly
Happiness is a good feeling that we feel whenever were happy, or something wonderful happens. We don't look for happiness. It will come. Don't try to look for it cause as you try to search and look for happiness, it would never ever come. Real and true happiness comes as we least expect it. Be content for there are lots of things in life that could make us happy.
Like a butterfly
A walk to remember
I remember the movie "A walk to remember", a movie that touches everyone's heart. A love that is pure and has no boundaries, a love that no matter what happens they will always be there for each other. Love is patient. Love is kind. So what if there's a lot of obstacles, problems, a lot of people that is against your love? If you really love a person, love him/her unconditionally. No but's and what if's. Hold on to what your heart tells you to do. Never give up and have faith cause giving up is a sign of not fighting for what you really feels. You have to fight for it and no matter what or where this leads you, be happy for you had love and feel loved the way you want it.
A walk to remember
Marlyn Monroe says..
"I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place. I spill a lot of things and i'm pretty clumsy. But when i think about it & take a step back, i remember how amazing my life truly is & that maybe.. I like being Imperfect."
As she say, people are not perfect and we don't live to be perfect. What's important is we live our life the way we want it. For as long as we didn't do any harm to other people. Life's not perfect, we are not perfect.
Problems, experiences, pain. Most of us always thinks of how we should take our life's burdens. How we can survive and get through it the easiest and fastest way. We struggle for us to learn, to be strong and to be the person that who we are right now. I can't really say that we should be thankful for all the hard times but surely we have learn something for every hurt, hard times and every pain we encounter.
"Be strong.."
"Be strong.."
I know your not ok
Sometimes when i say "im ok",
i want someone to look me in the eyes,
hug me tight and say,
"i know you're not ok"....
True friends know what and how you feels. It's not because of the way you act in front of them or the way you speak. Your mind and heart speaks for yourself, to your friends. They understands you even if you don't tell them anything. Look at the persons eye and you'll see what's inside. Don't ask someone what's wrong, just simply say don't worry everything's gonna be ok... soon.
i want someone to look me in the eyes,
hug me tight and say,
"i know you're not ok"....
True friends know what and how you feels. It's not because of the way you act in front of them or the way you speak. Your mind and heart speaks for yourself, to your friends. They understands you even if you don't tell them anything. Look at the persons eye and you'll see what's inside. Don't ask someone what's wrong, just simply say don't worry everything's gonna be ok... soon.
I know your not ok
Pay Attention
We can have a lot of friends, companion, buddies and so on, but there are only a few or one that knows us from inside out. It's nice to know whenever there's someone that truly knows everything about you, i mean every details of you. Someone that could defend you to anyone 'cause they know who you really are. The one that knows what you want, what you need, what would make you happy and all that. You don't need to ask, to remind or to give some clues for them to know what you feel and sometimes they're the one who know's you more than you know yourself. Keep them close to you and treasure them cause only a few would remain.
Pay Attention
Silent Hug
Sometimes we don't need to say anything or do everything for someone just to make him/her feel that he/she's not alone. For them to feel that they are loved and appreciated. Sitting beside them, being with them whenever they need you and even not. Giving them some time would make them feel important. Being with them when they needed you the most and giving them a hug would be the best gift you could give to someone who has going through a lot. HUGS to friendships!!!
Silent Hug
Thank you
Always say thank you for everything. May it be a thing, person, blessing, news, work, your life, etc. Saying thank you means a lot most especially to someone. It could mean something to someone. It could also mean appreciation even though it's really nothing. So i guess this is the part where i should say thank you to all that's been reading and keeps on visiting my blog even though it's none sense. Hmmmm... Thank you guys... for the endless support.... God Bless..
Thank you
Dear God
We all have our thank you's most especially our thank you's for everything god had given us.
Lord God, thank you for everything, for all the things you've given me. For my family who loves me and never leaves me even on my darkest days. For giving me such very good friends who's always been my companion and supports me always though may it be good or bad. For my work even though its not the best and i can be proud of type of work, but i wanted to thank you for giving me this work for i have learned a lot. I know, i have a lot of things and people to be thankful for but I wanted to thank you lord for giving me 1 that had given me a lot to be thankful for. Thank you god for my life and for everything. Thank you lord for loving me unconditionally. Lord, I will be always and forever be thankful for everything. Amen.
Lord God, thank you for everything, for all the things you've given me. For my family who loves me and never leaves me even on my darkest days. For giving me such very good friends who's always been my companion and supports me always though may it be good or bad. For my work even though its not the best and i can be proud of type of work, but i wanted to thank you for giving me this work for i have learned a lot. I know, i have a lot of things and people to be thankful for but I wanted to thank you lord for giving me 1 that had given me a lot to be thankful for. Thank you god for my life and for everything. Thank you lord for loving me unconditionally. Lord, I will be always and forever be thankful for everything. Amen.
Dear God
Some friendships doesn't last
We may have the best "best friends" we could ever have and as many as we wish we could, but life changes. People change, and people change for a lot of reason. Reasons that sometimes are not acceptable, or we can't think of. No matter what we do and no matter what it maybe. We should always believe that we have this gift of friendship that should be treasured for all times. Even though its hard to accept, we must think of what they had given us. Friendship and all the beautiful memories that no one could ever take.
"Friends for keeps"...
"Friends for keeps"...
Simple Things
We often tell ourselves what we want to have, what's beautiful for us, may it be a thing or not, what we want to achieve and so on. Sometimes, we need to just stop thinking all those good things on our mind. Give it a time to just sit down and stop for a while, think of what we have achieve so far, what we gain in what we do, and include all the smallest things that we have right now. All the simple things that we didn't realize that are really beautiful and is just right there in front of us, waiting to be recognized. Learn to appreciate all that we have, even good friends, relatives, parents, siblings, the air that we breathe, the sun, trees, everything that surrounds us, they are simple gifts that are really beautiful and we must learn to be thankful.
Simple Things
All things in life have to be balance. All that is more than what we need and all that are less of what we need are not good for us. That is why they say that if it's for us, it will come in the right time and in the right place. We need to keep things balance in our lives to keep on moving. It's like reaching for your dreams, you always keeps on moving, trying and believing.
Trust Life a Little Bit
As we experience love, we always tends to loose hope or faith in real love and relationship. Maybe because of the hardships, on how they struggle every time they got hurt, in dealing problems (may it be about their relationship or personal), time for each other most especially during special occasions or just finding time to be together. Finding true love is more difficult than we think huh? But when you really love someone you wouldn't bother arguing on why do we love a person. Right? As they always say, it's against all odds. Trust yourself, your heart and mind, most especially your love one cause in life it always "takes two to tango".
Trust Life a Little Bit
Strengths and Weaknesses
We all have our strength and weaknesses. We only have to know how to deal with it and use each strength or weakness properly. We should know how to forgive others weakness for we too commits our own. Use one another's strength and use it as a weapon to be a more stronger person.
Don't let your heart be full of burdens to carry on for it will be accumulated and be a part of your weakness. Forgive one another and learn from each other, for we could be "the strength" and "the weakness".
Strengths and Weaknesses
I'm Right! I'm Wrong.
"It's not arrogant to believe I'm right about something, but it’s arrogant to not consider the possibility I could be wrong." -I hate Quotes
When we do something or decide for things that we want or do we, always think and believe that what we do is the right thing to do but in fact, we can't really say when will we be right or wrong. We always have to open our mind to the possibilities that were not perfect. We commit mistakes, errors, stumble; but we always had a choice. It's all up to us on how we will accept things. We should know when to say i'm right and i'm wrong.
I'm Right I'm Wrong
*“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Einstein
Miracle is an amazing or wonderful event that happens to anyone or in our surroundings. Each day is a blessing and a miracle that we experience; the sun, the air that we breath, water, everything that surrounds us. We should live our life according to what is right, your desire and in god's will. Our life is a gift that we should nurture, love and treasure.
Amazing things will happen

We can get things out of what we do if we works hard for it. If we know how to handle things and give priority to whatever we wanna achieve. Give yourself a chance to do things again and give it your best shot!
Fallen Angel
I can resist you or flee from you or try my hardest not to respond to you, but it makes no difference. You fall in love with me, and I with you.
-Daniel Grigori (Fallen)
You can try your very best not to talk to your love one, ignore or avoid them. We can do everything to stay away from the person we love but whenever there are times that we see some things that reminds us about them we easily forget that we are trying to forget them. Falling in love with the same person over and over is a big thing. It tells us that no matter how hard we try to control ourselves, two hearts that met will surely tells us that they belong to each other.
Fallen Angel
Life Goes On
Sometimes we should think of all the possibilities in life. Some are negative, but we always hoped for the positive side of it. Whenever were sad, look or do something that could make us happy. Always treasure and remember whatever you have is because you work hard for it. Forgive those who have sinned on you cause you too have sins that should be forgiven but nevertheless, learn from your mistakes. Things may seemed to go wrong and doesn't go with the way we wanted to, but remember that life must go on.
Life Goes On
Be careful who you fall inlove with
Falling in love with someone doesn't always means that you've fallen in love with the right person. We can't please everybody and ask them to accept the one you love. Loving someone that is not accepted by a lot of people is pretty hard but come to think of it, who's gonna be with the one you love? Who's gonna live with and be with you all the way? Two people who loves each other should know how to deal with this kind of situation. Always think that in every thing that we do there's a positive and negative reaction into it. Just learn how to accept it and believe that love prevails.
Fallen (Book I)
I fall in love. Over and over again. And each time, it ends catastrophy. But here is where it gets hard. The person I fall in love with each time is YOU.
-Daniel Grigori (Fallen)
If you really love a person, whether you've been parted or whatever the distance maybe your love for each other won't change. You'll fall for each other over and over again. It's like a cycle of love and severance, no one could separate the both of you.
Fallen (Book I)
You are a friend for lifetime
We go places were we had the opportunity to met some new friends where in, some stays and some leaves as we leave the place. Finding true friends is like finding who are real to you and who would just be there when your happy but leaves you in times of trouble. We meet friends by destiny, and by destiny that means we don't find them. They'll just come along the way. We will be able to meet a lot and called them friends but true friends are the ones who would be there for you whenever you need someone to talk to and be there to, keeps in contact no matter how long the distance maybe, gives you time even there's no occasion or get together to attend to. And no matter how long the time you last seen each other, you're friendship will keep you together.
City of Glass
I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.
-Jace Wayland (City of Glass)
If you really love someone, it will be forever. No matter how hard or difficult it maybe, true love finds its way. Obstacles, objections, disapproval or whatever it maybe; True love never dies. Like Jace's love for Clary in Mortal Instruments, they fought for their love in spite and despite all the hindrance.
City of Glass
Everyone you meet comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack.
Each of us have problems or burdens that sometimes we just wish that there's someone out there who could help us in handling situations. Someone who understands, be on our side to comfort and help us in solving our problems. Handling problems alone is difficult most especially when it comes to those part that we wanted to talk about it but no one cares to listen. No one wants to be involve or be part of it, or even stay with you to listen while you grieve. Finding someone who knows you, has concern and understands you more than anyone else could help you unpack your baggage. But of course, we knows that were the only one who could solve our problems on the right time. Being with someone could give us the courage, support and understanding that we need.
Each of us have problems or burdens that sometimes we just wish that there's someone out there who could help us in handling situations. Someone who understands, be on our side to comfort and help us in solving our problems. Handling problems alone is difficult most especially when it comes to those part that we wanted to talk about it but no one cares to listen. No one wants to be involve or be part of it, or even stay with you to listen while you grieve. Finding someone who knows you, has concern and understands you more than anyone else could help you unpack your baggage. But of course, we knows that were the only one who could solve our problems on the right time. Being with someone could give us the courage, support and understanding that we need.
Trust for you can be trust
How can you trust someone who doesn't trust you or anyone? Trust is something that is difficult to gain. For us to be trusted by someone we should know how to trust others. We always have this problem in finding someone or people whom we can trust, cause now a days it's really hard to trust someone. Come to think of it, we can trust someone but not to the full extent. As time goes by we can give full trust to those we really knows and vise versa.
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