
No Pain No Gain

"Everybody wants to be happy.. Nobody wants to be in pain. But you can’t have a rainbow, Without any rain."          -fr: Lessons Learned In Life

As they say, we learn from our mistakes, from our experiences, from the pain. And in every pain that we encounter there's always something that we gain. Others would say it's ok, just go with it or "lilipas din yan".
But think of it as an encouragement, use them for you to be strong. It's the same as the saying "no pain, no gain or no guts, no glory". People always wants their life or what they wanted to achieve and gain by taking the short-cut, instead of taking the step by step process or taking one step at a time. Who want's pain, sorrow,tears... We all wants to be happy and we can only be happy if what we have, what we have achieve or receive is earned through hard work. 

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